How Big Data is the Biggest Buzz Word

What is Big Data

Big data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large it is difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques.

What leaders say About Big Data:

Big Data is the new Oil
 - Gartner

Hadoop will grow at CAGR of 58%, will reach $50 billion by 2020
 - Experfy

Big Data market will be growing 6 times faster than the overall IT market
 - IDC

Why learn Big Data?

It is no secret that the data content in the world is growing exponentially. For last two decades, IT communities have been grappling with the issue of managing the glut of data. Google has been at the forefront of this problem and came up with a framework which is now widely known as Big Data & Hadoop. This framework fundamentally changes the traditional approaches – which are no longer coping with the volumes of data being generated today.

This video Tutorial covers Following Topics:

 - Why Big Data is biggest Buzz Word
 - Basics of Big Data & Hadoop
 - Essence of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity of Big Data)
 - Problems with conventional systems like RDBMS and OS file-system
 - Introduction of Hadoop & Hadoop ecosystem
 - Real time Hadoop use cases
 - Future of Hadoop & Careers in Hadoop
 - Job Roles in Hadoop like: Hadoop Analyst, Hadoop Developer, Hadoop Admin, Hadoop Architect etc.
 - How DataFlair will help you in making your career in Big Data.

Are you Ready to Migrate your Career in the Latest upcoming Technology Big Data

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